The gypsum board is 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.
Thickness is 12.5mm and non-inflammable material.
Chiyoda Circular gypsum Board
Non-inflammable material ※Ministry of Construction Notification No. 1400 Applicable
Eco-mark, Tradable Green mark, EcoLeaf Environmental Label
Limited quantities available at the beginning of the sale
※Source: National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Resource Recycling and Waste Research,
"Guidelines for Effective Use of Recycled Gypsum Powder (May 2019)."
Chiyoda's vision is to "provide the world's gentlest, fully recyclable gypsum board and building solutions.
We also have positioned the creation of a sustainable society as a critical management issue, and are promoting "CHIYODA VISION ZERO" as a unique initiative.